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High Five by Mel Robbins

“High five” is a simple, amazing, life changing habit introduced by Mel Robbins.
Mel claims that this takes five days to work. Five days before you have an enormous breakthrough on how you see and relate to yourself, five days before the chemical, physiological, neurological, physical and psychological change starts.
From Mells research 50% of men and women do not or cannot look at themselves in the mirror because:
• they are either disgusted by the person they see or
• they are disappointed by them
And for those of us that can look in the mirror we still rejecting ourselves because we focus on:
• what we don’t like or
• we start to mindlessly think about all the things that we haven’t done right or
• that we didn’t do yet.
This is a reason why we are thirsty for validation from others, seeking our worth in a money we earn, car we drive, stuff we are buying. We think our worth is outside of you, but it is in us.
How to practice it:
Every morning after you brush your teeth, I want you to take a moment, put your toothbrush down and look at the human being in the mirror, on your reflection, on this human being who needs you, a human being who’s beaten down, who feels forgotten, who is so sick and tired of your criticism.
And I want you to just stand there and look at you and take a moment, because the rest of your day is going to be about everybody else. I don’t want you to say a thing, just look at yourself, smile to yourself and have a high five.
The hidden magic of the high five habits is the action -you don’t have to say anything because there is a neuron association whit this action, when you high five someone you are using an universal symbol: you got this, I see you you’re great, we can do this, it is a universal symbol of encouragement, of love, a celebration. The neuro association with this symbol is universal, is there because you have seen them in sport, marathons, you’ve seen teachers give them to kids so your brain has a lifetime of programming in your subconscious that is triggered by this action. It is neurologically impossible to high five yourself and think you’re a loser, you failed, I don’t like your face, your brain will not allow you to do it because has only ever meant: I celebrate you, I see you, I got you, keep going, you got this, I’m behind you.
Practicing High five is not going to remove poverty, it’s not going to remove discrimination, it’s not going to remove diabetes, it’s not going to remove the fact that somebody just said they wanted to divorce you, it’s not going to remove all of the trauma, it doesn’t change those things. It changes you! And it changes your relationship with yourself and your ability to believe that through, your actions and your attitude. You can move the needle on those things.

Contact me for a free 30 min consultation if you interested in more simple tools you can introduce to your daily life routine.

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