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Sleep is best meditation – Dalai Lama

Sleep is the fundament of our health and wellbeing.

 If you struggle with a good night sleep please reflect on the  sleep hygine tips to establish a healthy sleeping habits.
Measuring your sleep patters and stages is a good exercise and place to start “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”.

Mathew Walker is the world known sleep guru, I do highly recommend his books and podcast. Knowing the foundations of the sleeps will help you to change your habits and understand sleep phases.

The light that comes from computer and mobile phone screens has a real effect on the human circadian system, especially at night. Computer screens, tablets and mobile phones emit full spectrum light around the clock, just like the sun. Exposure to blue light at the wrong time of day can keep you awake later and interfere with the quality of your sleep.
Check out blue light blocking apps for your mobile
– Night Shift on – example for iPhone
– And f.lux app for your laptops/ computers

Whishing you a very good night sleep today 🙂

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